Monday, April 9, 2012

Lets Start With The Basics

As I've eluded to, one of the absolute priorities of our group is to insure the defeat of Barack Obama this November... That being said, as silly as this may seem, we need to make sure everyone is properly registered to vote... You may have recently moved, or for some other reason you need to update your information...  I'm also challenging each of you to find at least one person who is not, or has never been registered and get them involved... Here's a link to the Florida registration form and a list of all the proper addresses to send the form... You can easily fill out the form right on line, but you must print it out and mail it to the respective Supervisor of Elections...  I keep referring to Florida because that's where we are located, your procedure may differ depending on where you are located... At least Florida requires a photo ID, unlike The District of Columbia where a young man walked into Attorney General Eric Holder's poling place, stated the A.G.'s name and address and was promptly offered Holder's ballot... Read it all here from
Is it any wonder the Left throws a hissy fit any time someone brings up having photo ID to vote? How else are they going to steal elections if ACORN (sorry, can't remember what they are called today) can't go out and register Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and every homeless person living under a bridge... If my mentioning homeless people as if they somehow don't count bothers you, then perhaps you are reading the wrong blog... The truth is thousands of homeless and dead people vote every election, and THAT  is voter fraud and THAT should piss you off... 

We are at a tipping point and the future of this great country hangs in the balance... We know the left is organized and will stoop as low as necessary to get their agenda implemented... We as God loving Americans need to understand that this is the single most important election in our nations history, defeat is not an option... Stopping the Obama Socialist agenda should be part of your prayers every night and the first thing (well except coffee) you think about when you wake up... Each and  every one of you knows someone who just is apolitical, or doesn't seem to be concerned about who is running the country... It is up to us to light a fire under them, get them involved and stem the tide of socialism... If for some reason they like socialism, tell them that Europe is beautiful this time of year and send their sorry asses packing...



  1. What will really screw this election up is the voter fraud that we know is in the works. Not only that, but there are so many people on the dole that they will vote for him to keep the freebies flowing. I still think there are more of us and if everyone takes your advice, we have a fighting chance. I'll be linking your post to TCL FBs.

    1. Thanks Lady... There was the line from the movie where the little boy said "I see dead people"... "I see dead people voting" or the one from Sean Penn "deadman voting, deadman voting"

  2. I saw that video about the Washington D.C voting place and posted it at Obama Cartoons. Like you I feel we must Defeat Obama in 2012 and setup new websites just for that purpose!

    1. Ron, I couldn't agree more... As I said, "failure is not an option"...
