Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Good, It's Working

The headline on Drudge reads: BARACK 'N BONES... Read it HERE...

It seems the stress of managing Tee Times, scheduling vacations, those ever so pesky "Hot Mic" episodes, oh yes and "Leading From Behind" are  wearing on the president...  Well they aren't doing it nearly fast enough for me because he's still here... Before any of you dipsticks on the left start spewing that I want the president dead, save your breath... I don't want Michele to be a widow, or those two daughters to be fatherless, I just want this Marxist / Socialist out of power... Gee, I guess community organizing just wasn't enough to prepare B.O. for the "Big Leagues"...

The trouble is, wishing isn't going to get the job done, it's going to take each and every one of us joining forces to defeat this regime (don't think for one second it's not a regime, the left have been working towards this for 100 years) in November... Did you see the clip on Bill "Weather Underground" Ayers saying "I wake up every day saying it's a good day to destroy capitalism and start a revolution"... I know Obama only knew "OF" him and sat on a board with him, so that's no reason to think Obama wants the same... Don't even get me started on the fact that a letter carrier for Bill Ayers' parents states that his mother talked about helping put a "foreign student" through college... He even met this student once and says he's none other than Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama...

So lets take it upon our selves to wake up every day and say "it's a good day to defeat Barack Obama"...



  1. Every day is a good day to defeat Barack Obama.
    Thanks for including TCL on your Blog List.
    And, yes, you should steal the POOP from my blog. Spread it around.

    1. Thanks Lady... I've been accused of spreading the "POOP" around mosrt of my life...
