Friday, July 13, 2012

My Biggest Mistake Was Not "Telling A Story"

Mr. President, if you tell any more Stories aka Lies, your nose is going to be bigger than those freaking ears you have... I'm not usually one to make fun of someones appearance(oops I think my nose just grew a little) but with those ears you're sporting, you would think you could hear us... So in case you're having trouble hearing us, I'll spell it out for you real big...
  1. We aren't socialists...
  2. We don't want your Obamacare...
  3. It's OK to be rich, stop demonizing rich people...
  4. We're in enough wars, lay off the "Class Warfare"...
  5. I know you don't have a problem killing babies, would you at least stop killing jobs...
  6. The only "green" we want to see in our economy is the green associated with money...
  7. Dinesh D'Souza has you pegged for the America hating anti-colonialist that you are...
  8. You're going down in NOvember...
Kick Obama Out 2012...



  1. Replies
    1. I tried not to stray off message as I sometimes do... "SQUIRREL"

  2. Timely, succinct and comperhensive-nuff'said here!

  3. Bro,

    Back in civilization! Nice post! Had an absolute blast in Tennessee!

    Lock & Load!!!

    1. Cool, I fired back up The Born Again Americans while you were gone... Hope you're well rested...
