Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Call To Arms

The title to this post suddenly popped into my head, so I Googled images to the term and I thought this image to be quite telling...   I'm referring to the fact that we as a nation need to come together to rid the disease known as Barack Obama, aka "Progressivism"... I was feeling all millitant, but when I saw this, it reminded me that prayer is also very important...

The left wing ideologs can claim to be Christians or people of faith, but with people like Jeremiah Wright and Jim Wallis being the leaders, Satin would probably be more appropriate a choice...

Look hard and fast into the eyes of the enemy, it doesn't take long to figure out that they are dead inside... Obama Zombies still exist, but the good news is they'll soon be buried for good without "Hope and Change"...

This time we're armed, and as much as I love this picture, the arming I'm referring to is knowledge...

Set the "Way Back Machine", remember when Glenn was on CNN? He used to have a segment in which he put on screen "Here's what I know" and "Here's what I don't know"... Well I thought I'd reenact a little of that... 

Here's what I know...
  1. This coming election is absolutely the most important election ever held...
  2. The future of this great country hangs in the balance...
  3. It is imparative that we elect a Constitutional (notice I didn't say Republican) President and  majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate... 
  4. The Afforable Care Act (what an oxymoron, it's not affordable, they don't care about you, your children or grandchildren and it won't act to do anything but lead to socialism) is repealed, but not replaced... Healthcare needs to be fixed, but only through the private market so we can keep the greatest quality medical care on the planet... 
  5. The job killing regulations implimented by the current administration are reversed...
  6. The size of government (yes, I'm talking to you progressive, big government Republicans as well) needs to shrink dramatically...
  7. The corporate as well as capital gains taxes need to be cut drastically...
  8. Lets face it, we need to abolish the IRS and go to a consumption based or flat tax... When 47% of Americans pay no federal income, the system is broken...
  9. We need to fix our legal imigration policy... What part of illegal don't these idiots understand???
  10. Stop "Base Line Budgeting" and pas a true "Balanced Budget Amendment"
Here's what I don't know...
  1. Exactly how long it will take to recover, but we all know it starts when we...
Kick Obama Out 2012...


Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Day The Music Died (SCOTUS Ruled)

You're probably wondering why on the day SCOTUS stuck a knife in America's back I'm touting Don McLean's "American Pie"... The fact that the term "The Day The Music Died" in Don's song was largely believed to refer to the tradgic plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and "The Big Bopper" was not truly what he was implying... He was watching and noting in song the erosion of the America he knew and loved...

HERE'S a link to Glenn explaining what Don was really saying...

Well today June 28th, 2012 America took a giant leap away from our beloved freedom and toward Socialism...  Listen to and enjoy the original while you read the rest of my ramblings...

Todays' ruling should be the "MOTHER" of all wake up calls...

Every thing we hold dear is at stake and our only hope now is to elect Mitt Romney along with a majority in the House and Senate... I know that I'm preaching to the choir here, but it's the only thing keeping me from screaming F**K at the top of my lungs and that not only won't help, but I'm at the office (I'm on my lunch hour) and that would be frowned upon...

The thing I find so utterly amazing is that we out number them, all we have to do is band together... There are always going to be morons in this world, proof positive they just gave Charlie (eleven ethics violations) Rangel another shot... (and no, eugenics is not the answer)
Our work is cut out for us and it's up to each of us to commit "our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor" to defend and retore our freedom...

There is no greater reason than todays' ruling to...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Monday, June 25, 2012

This Gentleman Deserves Listening To

The young man pictured above is Byron Donalds and he is running in the Republican primary to fill the vacated seat of Connie Mack (soon to be the next U.S. Senator from Florida) as the Congressional Representative from Floridas' 14th district... I'm only about 98% sure, but I'm leaning strongly in his direction, as to whether he's the best choice...

Here are a couple videos from Byron, you be the judge...
He may not be your cup of TEA Party, but I like what I hear...


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fast and Fubar, Stolen Directly From "Proof Positve"

There is absolutely no excuse that could possibly justify the death of this brave young American, along with that of 300 Mexicans... This administration is up to their necks on this and we need to continue the pressure until they drown in their own sleaze...

Please go to "Proof Positive" and watch the video of Bill Whittle as he urges you to "Follow the Ideology"...

One of the multitude of reasons we need to...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Most Fun You Can Have With Clothes On

OK, so a year ago last August someone sent me an email that allowed me to sign Barack's birthday card... Never being one to pass up an opportunity to ridicule this arrogant bastard, I signed the E-Card bestowing wishes of having one term along with the fleas of a thousand camels nesting in his armpit... That's when the fun began... Since then and now at a feverish pace, I've received emails for everything from signing Mooshell's B-Day card to winning a seat at the table at a fun raiser...

Sure enough, Friday I got an email asking me to be part of their campaign... I signed up and check out the email address I used HERE. You guessed it, I'm registered to help their campaign using the email address ... Please feel free to follow the link above and register... If you want to, please change the email to one you can track, or I'll be the only one having fun... It's real easy to set up a G-Mail account, see how original an address you can come up with... If you sign up, they'll send you one of THESE ...
You can only imagine the fun I had filling this out, especially when you click the box and it asks for a comment...

I'm only one crazy old fart, imagine what we could do if this went viral in the conservative movement... It's just one more way we can help to...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


This Explains Everything

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This Priest Is An Outstanding American

This was brought to my attention by a classmate from High School (yes that makes him old) thanks Carter... This priest was asked to give the invocation at the Colorado Republican State Assemblies convention... It must be  extremely difficult to swing a bat dressed like he is, but watch this video as he knocks it out of the park...

God bless this gentleman, God bless this great country, and please Dear God help us...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why More Than Ever We Need Connie Mack

The following video is one more example why we need Connie Mack to be the next senator from the great state of Florida...

Chances are that if you are reading this or any of the untold thousands of conservative blogs, the message is like preaching to the choir... The thing we must remember is that duplication in telling the truth and informing people is not like duplication of government agencies... One is bloated bureaucracy and the other is a path to victory... The left say "tell a lie enough times and it becomes the truth", where we on the RIGHT say "the truth will set you free"...

Please visit the right side of this blog and click on Connie Mack's U.S. Senate logo to go to his website and get involved in any fashion you may be able to...

Getting rid of Bill Nelson is a great start, but we must...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Latest From Congressman Col. Allen West

This gentleman is just one more reason I'm proud to be an American from Florida... You won't find any hyphenated Americans here... It's either black or white, (OMG I hope I'm not sounding all racist) you are either an American or you are not... This American just happens to be of African decent, but I'm sure when asked, he'll simply reply that he's an American...

I was on The Blaze and ran across this...

A few hundred thousand more people like this would be a great start to...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Monday, June 11, 2012

How's That Socialism Working Out For You???

Here's another reason we should try and emulate Europe... Leave it to those brilliant Europeans to come up with "Baby Boxes"... This is showing just how  great Socialism really is... You no longer have to even concern yourself with raising children, the state will do that for you... All one needs is to locate the nearest one of these "Baby Boxes", open door, insert baby, no fuss no muss...  Read about it HERE at "the guardian"... It must be a big deal, even the UN has its panties in a wad over it... Why don't they just ask Iran, one of the members of the "Human Rights Commission",  I'm sure this ranks just above honor killings or stonings...

Of course we here in the United States simply prefer "Planned Parenthood"... It's a little messier, but the end justifies the means... Please, please take that in the sarcastic tone it was intended, I abhor abortion in any and all forms...

This administration's insistence in making tax payers fund abortions is one of many reasons we need to...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Sunday, June 10, 2012

It's Not Often

It's not often that I post twice in the same day, but this ties directly into my previous post... Please take the time to watch this video, as it is a sneak preview of the upcoming documentary by Gerald Molen...

There's nothing left to say except...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Too Late Buckaroo

Speaking in Rhode Island at the annual Netroots Nation conference, Van Jones warned his progressive sidekicks that the TEA Party if allowed to take all three branches would "DECIMATE US"... Well Van baby, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's too late... This man (I'm refraining from using the term asshole) is just about one of the most despicable human beings on the planet... He is a proclaimed Communist and once was the Obama administrations "Green Jobs Czar" until Glenn Beck shined the light of truth on him and even the Socialist - N - Chief had to get rid of him, once again crawling back into the dark crevices of the White House...  Here's the entire article from The Blaze... Please go there and watch the video, (warning, this is at least two barf bag video)

The purpose of this post is quite simple, We Are Winning...
It has taken the far left over 100 years to get this close to victory, but it's only taken 3 1/2 years of the Obama presidency to completely stem the tide... I'll be the first to admit that I was asleep at the wheel... My right front tire had gone off the road and I was quickly shocked back into reality... I had two choices, I could ignore the warning, or I could take the steps to correct the situation... Now I'm going to change from the singular to the plural, We Woke Up, and we aren't about to go back to sleep...  We are the majority, there are more of us than there are of them... We simply must use our numbers to defeat the scourge brought from the left...

I'm sixty one years old, which means I'm old enough to remember the America that was... The America that changed the world for the better without becoming part of a One World Order... American exceptionalism should be what other countries strive to achieve, instead of us lowering our standards to theirs... Unfortunately we have a president that feels differently... If you haven't read Dinesh D'Souza's "Roots of Obama's Rage", I'll make it easy for you, just click HERE it's a link directly to's page... Put it in your cart and check out... (no, I'm not affiliated with, just trying to remove excuses) If reading just isn't your bag, I implore you to go this summer and see "2016" a documentary based on the book, which is being produced by Oscar award winning producer Gerald Molen... Molen recently was prevented from addressing a high school graduation when the "LIBTARD" principal Tom Stack disinvited him because he was a "Right Wing Conservative"... To add insult to injury, this Jerk (again I'm refraining from using the word asshole) didn't bother telling Molen this until after he had made the 90 minute drive to give the commencement address... You can read more about it HERE at "Gateway Pundit"...

Wow, I just went back and read the stuff I wrote above... I think Tammie has been sitting in the living room yelling SQUIRREL... The truth is, this is therapeutic for me, as it allows me to stop screaming at the TV and vent in another genre...  

Lets try and recap...
We need to TREAD all over Van Jone's smug ass face, I'm thinking Goodyear or Firestone would be appropriate...

We have a president who would prefer to lower America's standards to those of the rest of the world as opposed to helping them raise there standards to ours...
That's only the non Radical Islamic countries, as nothing short of complete eradication of these nut jobs will ever work...  Sorry, but I call them like I see them...

Our educational system has been completely infiltrated by LIBTARDS... One more shinning example why we need to home school until we can stop the indoctrination of our children...

The process is going to take a while, but a good start would be to...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Saturday, June 9, 2012

It's Really Not That Difficult

This is not a Kyocera advertisement, but just as Peter Morici explains, "it's really not that difficult"...
Unlike Louis Farrakhan, Peter does the Bow Tie proud... (sorry, but you've gotta love a guy who ties his own)

Here's the truth, plain and simple...

I bet you knew all along where I was heading with this... The comic strip above says it all, we can't allow the stupid people to out number us... We have a little less than five months (your state may very well have a time limit to how closely to an election you can register) to make sure we register enough intelligent people to out number the stupid people... 

Please take the time to go here to and get involved... There will never in our lifetimes be another election with as much riding on the outcome... If every single person reading this blog goes out and gets one person to register and vote for Romney, or at least against Obama, hell that's four or five votes in the RIGHT direction...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Friday, June 8, 2012

The Silence Is Deafening

I can't begin to tell you how many blogs I've seen today telling me we're not supposed to blog on this the "National Day of Blogger Silence"... How's that working out for you??? The road to our 1st amendment right to free speech was paved with silence... No, it came from our founding father's incredible foresight and conviction, not silence... That pretty much sums it up, so instead of babbling on, I thought I'd just let you hear one of my favorite songs from the sixties and Simon & Garfunkel...

If you watched Glenn Beck last night, you were (well at least I was) introduced to the artist Kalai... OMG, just when I had given up on their ever being any singer, song writers in this generation worth listening to... I was unable to get the song I heard him perform last night, but this is a good representation of his incredible talent... Music is alive and well, I just hope I can find him on "8-Track"...


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Are You Willing To????

  1. Commit
  2. Activate
  3. Live It
  4. Create
In the "Sea of Life", I'm a micro-organism, so infinitesimally small that alone I can do little to affect real change... (not to be confused with Hopey Changy) That having been said, I can and am becoming part of something bigger... I'm joining Glenn Beck and a couple hundred thousand of my closest friends in banding together to "Affect Real Change"...

Perhaps you aren't a huge Glenn Beck fan... Wait a minute, that's just crazy talk, everybody is a huge Glenn Beck fan... Lets say you just came out of a 10 year coma, that's more realistic... OK, George Bush is no longer president, instead we've elected a Socialist / Marxist who wants to "Fundamentally Transform America"... The truth of the matter is you have two choices, you can go back to being comatose, or you can take action to correct the situation... Assuming you've chosen the latter, allow me to help... Go here to and click on the picture you see above... The only thing left to do is GET INVOLVED... Be the person your dog thinks you are... Don't know exactly what that means, but I thought it was cute...

Together we can make a difference and believe me it's a lot better than just screaming at your TV... Your children and generations to come will thank you for taking our country back and helping to...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Thug You!!! And The Union You Rhode In On...

The people of Wisconsin have spoken and believe you me, the unions better be listening... This was such a great victory for fiscal responsibility and stopping the out of control spending that is driving our local, state and federal governments off the proverbial cliff... It just boggles my mind to think that there are people who are either too stupid, or too selfish to think that we can continue the irresponsible spending without consequence...

I also get a huge kick out of people like Rachel Mad Cow who can tout the importance of this historic vote and upon losing pivot so quickly to point out its insignificance... Here's the video...
People on the "RIGHT" wake up and smell the blood from this decisive victory... (OMG was that vitriolic language? You bet your sweet ass it was...) We have these guys on the ropes and we must not let up for even one minute... They have a president (unfortunately at least for the time being, so do we) who has no legs (boxing term) and we all know what "Ropa Dopa" did to Muhammad Ali... OK, Ok, the boxing metaphor means Obama has no legs, aka record to stand on, so we must pummel, aka continue attacking his lack of any record... The president and his union buddies took a huge above the belt blow last night and we must continue to follow with repeated "RIGHTS" as there are no "LEFTS" in our strategy... Continued blows to the bloated body of the Obama campaign will further wobble his political legs and set up one final punch to his glass jaw in November...

Why do I suddenly want to hear Pat Travers "Boom Boom" (out go the lights)... So without further ado, for your listening pleasure...
Don't even attempt to figure out how I can go from Union Thugs to Muhammad Ali to Pat Travers in the same post... What can I say, "it's a gift"...

The only thing you must figure out is how to...

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Monday, June 4, 2012

When Thugs Rule

The second most important election quite possibly in our lifetime is taking place in Wisconsin tomorrow... The Scott Walker recall election is pitting the union thugs against a governor who was elected to do a job and has performed admirably in the task... Scott Walker has taken Wisconsin from a multi-billion dollar deficit to a surplus while lowering property taxes... I will admit that once upon a time in this country unions had a purpose, but that was long ago... Unions have become nothing more than political thuggery... Our current president has shown that he stands with these thugs, as they are perhaps his strongest supporter... (well except for the dead people and illegals on the voter registration roles)

I truly believe that if Scott Walker prevails in tomorrows election, that Obama and the far left will go down in flames... Obama desperately needs Wisconsin, yet he wouldn't even show up to support Tom Barrett, Scott Walker's  Democratic opponent... The reason is that he's not going to show support for someone who more than likely is going to lose... Instead they send "Slick Willy" aka Bill Clinton to try and muster support...

This leads me to the true reason for this post... Below you will find a video from Brietbart TV showing a brave  Marine vet using his constitution right of peaceful protest in opposition to Tom Barrett being arrested by Milwaukee police aka Union Thugs...  I received this in an email from a fellow patriot, here's what it said...

This email is from my son David.  This is not about Democrat/Republican or Liberal/Conservative....this is about freedom and how it is being slowly (some would say rapidly) taken away.  Read what he has to say, watch the video.  Set politics aside for now...just listen and watch what happened to him.   If you care about America please fwd this to everyone you know. 
Jackie Willoughby
Ft Myers, Florida
   All the more reason we need to....

Kick Obama Out 2012...


Friday, June 1, 2012

God Bless This Man

What does a real American do when told he can't fly the American flag in his yard?

Scroll Down

We the people should not fear the government, the government should fear us...

Kick Obama Out 2012
